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JFM은 고객 여러분들에게 고품질의 제품을 제공하도록 노력하겠습니다.

P61 Series
  • New levels of control to batch filling operations

  • Rapid, repeatable and highly accurate filling control for weight/measuring process

  • Piston support rods 사용으로 더 긴 수명 주기 제공

  • 안전 사양 향상 (bolted-on cover sleeve, anti-blowout pinion, airflow through support rods, long end screws 등)

  • 표준 밸브 마운팅을 위한 star drive

MODEL Design Torque Range Supply Pressure / Voltage Temperature Range Travel Stops Design Options Further Information
P61 Series 3 Stage Dosing 11 to 263 Nm (End of Spring)
8 to 194 ft-lb.
Up to 8.3 bar, 120 psi -20 °C to +100 °C
-4 °F to +212 °F
Two stage travel stop control Standard NBEBR0004
적합한 사양의 제품을 찾지 못하셨나요?

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